Lucca Promos s.r.l.u. is a partecipated company by the Chamber of Commerce of Toscana nord-ovest in Tuscany .
Lucca Promos is a real reference point regarding promotion, development, assistance and consulting for SME of the province of Lucca and a benchmark for enterprises in the process of internationalisation.
Lucca Promos’activities:
- promotes and provides backing for the process of internationalisation;
- assists firms as an institutional and technical representative in relationships with regional, national and international institutions (ENIT, ICE, CCIE, etc.);
develops permanent observation on international markets and research of business partners;
- promotes international exhibitions, B2B events, seminars and business meetings in Lucca with stakeholders and foreign partners;
- destination marketing – organisation of Fam trips – educational tours for italian , international journalists and tour operators to promote culture and tourism of the province through the brand “The Lands of Giacomo Puccini”;
- assistance to the SME regarding EU funded projects especially concerning the development and enhancement of the territory.